12 Zero Waste Home Swaps I Can’t Live Without

Let’s be honest, having a 100% zero waste home (as I’ve learned from grave trial and error over the years), well, just isn’t possible. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t still make small steps towards a more sustainable future through our individual actions by not only minimizing our own single use plastic footprints, but by voting with our dollar to support a collective cultural shift towards a more intersectional approach to environmentalism.

This blog post is an updated version of what I’m using these days, as compared to some of my original videos, like the one below. I still love everything mentioned in the video, but these are some of the things I’m grabbing for most these days.

14 Zero Waste Swaps that CHANGED MY LIFE (worth the money, time, and effort!) PT 1 (Sedona Christina on YouTube | 2021)

1. Composting!

One of the most impactful swaps you can make is composting! I’m very lucky that my city has municipal compost pickup (they come around on our regular trash and recycling pick up day). But when I lived in other cities, as well as when I travel, I look up local drop off times and locations. Often times there are city-run weekly compost drop-off events, or there may be a local garden in your area that will gladly take your scraps. Litterless has a https://www.litterless.com/wheretocompost!

Composting is a very in depth topic that I won’t be able to cover right here right now. There are several different ways you can incorporate composting that you will be able to find information across the internet, depending on the style you’re willing to commit to. I’d recommend starting with your municipality’s website/resources, as they’ll have the best tips for your climate and location.

2. Sticky Residue Remover: DIY Zero Waste Goo Gone!

This is still a favorite swap of mine, even if it’s not really something I need to use every day. This (very simple) recipe will remove any sticky gunk like magic! Like that sticky stuff that’s left over after peeling a sticker off a jar (or surface), that’s just so annoying until it’s gone. I’ve even seen someone use it to remove some mystery sticky gunk from their car’s rims. Use it anywhere! You can see the simple 3-ingredient zero waste goo gone recipe on my instagram.

3. Laundry Detergent:

I have tried many sustainable laundry solutions over the years. I even spent hours making my own for a while; which inevitably never stuck because well …I had to spend hours making it myself all the time. And frankly, I hated a lot of the options I tried. Mostly because several of them just weren’t effective enough. As someone who works out a lot (and sweats a lot), I need something that will get my gym clothes clean, and be able to stand the test to my dog’s muddy jackets and my muddy camping accessories.

My favorite solution is Earth Breeze’s Laundry Strips because they’re quick and easy when I need to grab them in a pinch. They’re also cost effective for me, and they actually work!! And while I’m not a fan of supporting Amazon, I’d be lying if I said that sometimes I don’t need to shop there when I’m in a pinch. Especially while traveling or living nomadically for a bit — I know I can pick up any purchase at an Amazon locker. And I’ll be honest, I love the fact that laundry strips don’t take up a ton of space in my small apartment. The whole product is the size of a small envelope. So cute, so tiny! I use 1/2 a sheet per load, so bringing a small piece of what feels like paper down to my building’s laundry room (or over to a friend’s house when I sneakily want to use their free machines - apartment life) is so nice. No more slugging around a big tub of detergent!

Blueland’s laundry tablets are a personal favorite as well! Again, they’re cost effective and truly get my stinky gym clothes clean (both options do!). And they come in a cute little refillable purple tin — which oddly brings me joy.

I like both options, it just depends on what’s more practical for me when I’m running my virtual errands.

4. Stain Remover:

Most of the time I will spot clean my clothes with a bar of Dr. Bronner’s (because again, I use that stuff for everything!). But when the stain is a bit more aggressive, I’ve found stain sticks to work pretty well. It looks like the one I have is no longer available, but it was essentially the same thing as the Nellie’s Natural Stain Stick, by the looks of it (though I have not used that one before).

5. Sink Cleaner:

This might sound odd, but I really just use classic plain baking soda when cleaning my kitchen and bathroom sinks. I also will use my beloved Dr. Bronner’s soap bar when I need to add a little extra cleanliness. It’s been almost four years (and multiple apartments) of this, and to me, it still works perfectly! You gotta love a simple swap that’s about $2 /year to use.

6. All-Purpose Surface Cleaner:

Truthfully, most of the time I use water on a damp rag to wipe down surfaces. But obviously that doesn’t cut it all the time. So when I need a good all-purpose cleaner, I use Blueland! I’ve worked with them a few times over the years, and once I got to try them, there was no turning back! They’re affordable and sustainable. And you just can’t beat that! I do happen to have a 15% off Blueland link as well. (I do NOT make any money off of this link. It’s from a previous brand deal with them, and looks like it’s still valid - so you just get the 15% off!)

7. Mirror Cleaner:

Again, Blueland can’t be beat here. Their products are delivered in tablet form. You fill the bottle with water and it dissolves into exactly what you need. Say goodbye to windex! And again, their refills are very affordable!

Pro Tip for Blueland Products: My biggest recommendation would be that if you have your own spray bottles already, I recommend skipping their bottles and go straight for the refills. I’ve always found their bottles are finicky. They have leaked and cracked on me before, and just aren’t really the highest quality for a “forever bottle.” If you’re going to be refilling them over and over again, I’d recommend just using something you already own, or opting for a glass bottle. Just be sure to align them with the proper size so that your water-to-tablet concentration is still on point. (To be clear: I’m not upset with the company, I love the product, just the spray bottles have not been the most durable in my experience. And so why pay for that when you can skip to the $2 refills? They are really adorable bottles though!) *This tip doesn’t apply to their products that come in their other container varieties: metal (like the laundry and toilet tablets, etc.), glass (like the foaming hand soap), and silicone containers (like the dish soap). Those are all great! So snag them if you want them (but again, probably aren’t necessities if you have something else and want to save the money). Just the original spray bottles on the mirror, bathroom, and all-purpose cleaners are not my favorite bottles.

8. Toilet Bowl Cleaner:

Dare I say it again? Blueland’s toilet tablets are great! A bit pricey though, so I have been looking into finding something that’s a bit more cost effective.

9. Dish Soap:

If I’m hand-washing my dishes, I use a bar of castile soap. Usually I pick up a bar of Dr. Bronner’s because they’ve been my go-to for what feels like forever. And if you’re reading this going "“What do you mean you use a bar of soap for dishes!?” …that’s what I thought before I tried it too! I simply get my dish brush wet, swipe it over the bar of soap, and then scrub away! I’ve been using this for over four years now, and will probably never switch. It’s way more cost effective than any other “zero waste dish soap” product out there, and does the exact same thing! Just without the marketing.

Any of the scents will work, but my personal preference is the almond! Though peppermint, citrus, and lavendar are close seconds.

10. Compostable Dish Brush:

To pair with said dish soap bar, I use a dish brush made from wood and cactus bristles. If you’re looking for a vegan option, just make sure your brush is not made from boar or horse hair. And I use as normal! Pro tip: when looking at brushes like the one I linked, I have never actually used the wooden handle with them. It’s certainly personal preference, I just never saw it necessary; saving money and natural resources all in one!

11. Cleaning Towels / Napkins:

I stopped buying paper towels for the most part (I’d be lying if I said I don’t still have one roll that I use for emergency cases just in case though. But I have been on the same roll for over a year - so I really don’t use it often). For 99% of the cleaning I do, I use rags! Just old towels from the thrift store or hand-me-downs from family members. My pro tip is to have two or three designated “toilet cleaner” rags, so that you know which ones are the really icky ones. Outside of that, my goodness towel rags are just superior to paper towels! Never spend a dime on those disposable rags ever again!

12. Disposable Plates, Cutlery, Cups, etc.

Frankly, I don’t use any of these. I opt for washable regular plates. I was raised without the use of disposable plates, and didn’t realize people used them int heir everyday lives until I moved to America in my teens. It still shocks me to this day. Unless you’re hosting a large function - I promise, you can survive without them.

I hope that these swaps were helpful in your quest to try something new! If they were, maybe you’ll also find my favorite zero waste beauty swaps or lifestyle swaps helpful as well.

And for any updates on new products I’m using and reviewing, be sure to follow along on YouTube, Tiktok, and Instagram!

See ya over there!

— xo Christie


My Favorite Zero Waste Beauty Swaps (that I’ve been using for +6yrs …and are vegan!)


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